Director's Corner

Nov 19, 2019
Lori Flanagan-Cato

A new name for the major and our ever-strengthening programs.


The BBB program has been thriving since our last newsletter, and we wanted to share some updates. Two years ago, I joined Marc Schmidt as co-director. It has been inspiring to work with Marc, as he balances teaching and mentoring our BBB students with state-of-the-art research.  He and I share an obsession with innovating our neuroscience curriculum and providing research opportunities for our students. I feel fortunate and proud to be part of this program. Our dedicated faculty and teaching staff continue to build our program of study. Both Biology and Psychology have hired new faculty to teach in the BBB program, with the promise of exciting new courses.  


You will be interested to know that a change in the name of the BBB program is on the horizon. The College has approved changing the name of the major to Neuroscience, effective for the academic year that begins 2020. We believe the new name reflects the modern term for the field and will make it easier for our majors to communicate their academic program to graduate programs and employers.

As described in this newsletter, the BBB major, the fifth largest in the School of Arts and Sciences last year, attracts an impressive group of students with diverse interests. We are especially proud of our undergraduate researchers who contribute to the productivity of world-class basic and clinical neuroscience laboratories. BBB students also provide meaningful educational support to our local community, sharing their enthusiasm for brain science.

Thank you for your continued interest in the BBB program. We love to hear from our alumni, so feel free to send a note and let us know where your BBB major has taken you.


Wishing you all the best,

Lori Flanagan-Cato, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology
Co-Director of the BBB Program