2020 Honors Thesis Projects

2020 Honors Thesis Projects

Luis Felipe  Carvao

The Effect of Social Support on Withdrawal and Abstinence in HIV+ Smokers

Rebecca Ashare, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Nicotine Addiction 


Donnisa Edmonds

Reduced physiological sensitivity to emotionally evocative movie clip in children with callous-unemotional traits

Rebecca Waller, Psychology


Alexander Farid

Olfactory fMRI in Awake-Behaving Mice

Jau Gottfried, Neurology


Elyse Gadra

White Matter Development and Neurogenesis in a Mouse Model of Prenatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Stewart Anderson, Psychiatry


Jamie Galanaugh

Using Migratory Interneurons as Therapeutic Vectors for Glioblastoma

Stewart Anderson, Psychiatry


Mikaela Glass

The Significance of Dissociable Projections from the Medial Prefrontal Cortex to the Dorsal Medial Striatum

Marc Fuccillo, Department of Neuroscience


Mahip  Grewal

Exploring the Genetic Architecture of Autism: The Relationship Between Polygenic Risk Score and Quantitative Phenotypes

Edward Brodkin, Department of Psychiatry


Zoe Griffiths

Factor Analysis: Autistic Traits in Autism without Intellectual Disability

Edward Brodkin, Psychiatry 


Danielle Harris

Phopsho-C-Jun as a predictive marker of chronic and progressive neurodegeneration following a mouse model of TBI

Victoria Johnson, Neurosurgery


Kaila Helm

Characterizing the Slit/Robo Pathway in a Tissue-Engineered Rostral Migratory Stream

D. Kacy Cullen, Neurosurgery- Perelman School of Medicine


Geena Jung

The Role of Repulsive Guidance Signaling in Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas

Yuanquan Song, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


Mackenzie  Kagan

Investigation of Neurofilament Light Chain as a Potential Biomarker for Frontotemporal Degenerative Diseases 

Murray Grossman, Department of Neurology


Anita Kalluri

Oxytocin receptor signaling in the NTS and VTA: a new role in food seeking behavior

Harvey Grill, Psychology


Saarang Karandikar

3DP Of Micro-Tissue Engineered Neural Networks for BMIs 

Kacy Cullen, Neurosurgery


Howard Li

Tau pathology spreads between anatomically-connected regions of the brain and is modulated by a LRRK2 mutation

Virginia Lee, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


William Li

Flow Cytometry-based Investigation of Cytotoxic B Cell Exosomes in MS

Amit Bar-Or, Neurology


Xin Liu

Neonatal opioid exposure and development of negative affect

Julie Blendy, Pharmacology


Yu-Ting Liu

Assessing CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder-related phenotype reversibility in mice

Zhaolan Zhou, Genetics


Sabina London

The Role of the Female Song System in the Regulation of Courtship Behavior

Marc Schmidt, Biology 


Lydia Maliackel

The association of family history of trouble with the law or incarceration and suicide ideation in youth

Ruben Gur, Psychiatry, Neurology, Radiology


Angela Malinovitch

In vitro characterization of EGFR-targeting CAR T cells for Glioblastoma

Donald O'Rourke, Neurosurgery


Patrick Markwalter

In-Utero Opioid Exposure Alters Mouse Offspring Behavior and Communication

Mariella De Biasi, Department of Neuroscience


Dominique Martinez

Neural Basis of Persistence in Young Children

Allyson Mackey, Psychology 


Simon Miller

Protein Signatures in Hippocampal Subfields relating to Alzheimer’s Disease and Primary Progressive Aphasia

David Irwin, Neurology


Christopher Muracca

The effect of array coherence on perceived numerosity 

Elizabeth Brannon, Psychology


Nicholas Paleologos

Three-Dimensional In-Vitro Model of Neuroinflammation post Traumatic Brain Injury

Daniel Cullen, Neurosurgery & Bioengineering


Alexa Pisciotti

Impacts of Acute Stress on BNST Neurons in Mice

Shinjae Chung, Chronobiology and Sleep


Hareena Sangha

Analysis of cell-free DNA in glioblastoma patients

Erica Carpenter, Medicine


Vaishnavi Sharma

fMRI study of gender differences in brain activation in response to pain

Ted Satterthwaite, Department of Psychiatry


Samantha Steeman

Heritability of the Broad Autism Phenotype

Edward Brodkin, Department of Psychiatry


Robert Subtirelu

The Investigation and Classification of Post-Traumatic Epilepsy

Han-Chiao Isaac Chen, Department of Neurosurgery


Eric Teichner

Defining Neurobiological Signatures for Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury

Andrew Newberg, Marcus Institute of Integrative Health, Thomas Jefferson University

Paul Um


Orsay Virus Infection Alters Thermotactic Behavior and Induces Sleep through flp-13 Signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans Nematodes

David Raizen, Neurology


Chad Vigil

Auditory Analysis of Song Involving Viscerosensory Feedback in the Male Zebra Finch

Marc Schmidt, Biology


Chad Vigil

Song Analysis Following Perturbation of Viscerosensory Feedback

Marc Schmidt, Biology


Grace Wu

Developing an in vitro Model of the Dendritic Cytoskeleton

Erika Holzbaur, Physiology


Jae Yoon

Stress Induced Effect on the Level of PACAP-27 in PVT and Ethanol (EtOH) Drinking Behavior  

Seema Bhatnagar, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine