It is with mixed emotions that we announce the retirement of Dr. Jennifer Heerding, who has served as our compass for all matters BBB (and more recently, Neuroscience.) She has been the associate director of our program since 2002, had an unparalleled knowledge of the major, and an organizational ability that made working with her such a pleasure. Jen, as we knew her, was also one our best teachers having won many awards for the many courses she taught. These included Developmental Neurobiology (BIBB 350), Behavioral Pharmacology (BIBB 481), Autonomic Physiology (NRSC 2269) and most recently Stress Neuroscience (NRSC 4469), a class she was particularly proud of teaching and which she created from scratch a few years ago. Jen is now off to new adventures likely relocating back to the west coast where she is from. Although we will miss our regular chats with her, we recognize that her skilled and dedicated role in teaching and running the program for over 20 years earned her a well-deserved happy retirement.