2022 Honors Thesis Projects

2022 Honors Thesis Projects

Anushree Aneja

Modeling Autism Spectrum Disorder in Drosophila Melanogaster

Yanquan Song, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


Bergan Babrowicz

Distinct cell types in CDKL5 network hyperexcitability & synaptic dysfunction

Frances Jensen, Neurology


Bema Boateng

Enhancing the Ability to Build Trust Through Excitatory TMS to the TPJ

Joe Kable, Psychology


Gillian Broome

Examining the Relationship Between Cerebellar White Matter and Reading Skills 

Allyson Mackey, Psychology


Serena Chen

The role of lysosomal mobilization in oligodendrocyte maturation

Kelly Jordan-Sciutto, Neuroscience


Diane Chernoff

RBD as a Behavioral and Pathological Indicator for Parkinson's Disease

Kelvin Luc, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


Sarah Chowdhury

Mechanisms Regulating Non-Amyloidogenic Processing in HIV-Associated Excitotoxicity

Kelly Jordan-Sciutto, Basic and Translational Sciences, School of Dental Medicine


Helen Downes

Biomarkers of Post-Traumatic Epilepsy and Traumatic Brain Injury

John Wolf, Neurosurgery


Natalie Edman

ASD differences processing and reducing uncertainty in social vs. nonsocial domains 

Anna Jenkins, Psychology


Siani Ellis

GABAergic entorhinal cortical neurons projecting to the dentate gyrus

Sanghee Yun, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine (CHOP)


Harrison Fellheimer

Matrix reasonings impact on cognitive development in high school students

Loretta Flanagan-Cato, Psychology


Margo Games

Effects of Slow-Wave Activity Impairment on Memory in High-Anxiety Adults

Jennifer Goldschmied, Psychiatry


Mikaeel Habib

The role of viscerosensory feedback on song stability in a zebra finch

Marc Schmidt, Biology


Ali Hamandi

Quantifying Space Radiation Impact on Female Mouse Conflict Resolution Using Deep Learning Behavioral Analysis

Amelia Eisch, Anesthesiology and Critical Care


Nicole Horrio

Retinal Imaging Detects Ophthalmic Changes in Frontotemporal Degeneration

Kim Benjamin, Opthamology


Farhan Jivraj

The Effect of Biophilic Design Elements on Cognition and Creativity

Anjan Chatterjee, Neurology


Jenaye Johnson

Asymmetry of white matter language microstructure in human brain revealed by DTI

Hao Huang, Radiology


Emily Kopp

White Matter Evaluation Techniques in Frontotemporal Dementia

David Irwin, Neurology


Kayla Kruger

Neural Underpinnings of Anorexia Nervosa 

Nick Betley, Neuroscience


Namrita Kumar

Impact of Newborn Neurons on the Proliferation of Stem Cells in the Dentate Gyrus Region of the Hippocampus

Kimberly Christian, Neuroscience


Elysha Kunwar

Determining the population of lentivirus-infected cells in macrophage culture

Guo-Li Ming, Neuroscience


Isabella Lamadrid

Investigating Possible Cognitive Deficits in Offspring Exposed to In Utero Morphine

Mariella DeBiasi, Psychiatry


Theodor Lenz

A Biomarker Investigation of the Contact Hypothesis in a Real-World Setting

Loretta Flanagan-Cato, Psychology


Sarah Materasso

Analysis of Agonistic and Affiliative Behaviors in Cayo Santiago Rhesus Macaques 

Michael Platt, Neuroscience


Marissa Mojena

Modeling sex differences in anxiety-like symptoms in mice following TBI

Akiva Cohen, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine


Lauren Nguyen

Interneuron transplants as a potential therapy for Dravet syndrome in mouse models

Stewart Anderson, Psychiatry


Ellen O’Callaghan

Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease

Robert Mach, Radiology


Emily Orengo

The explore/exploit trade-off and ADHD symptomatology 

Elizabeth Brannon, Psychology


Alexander Palma

Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Sodium Channel Expression

Douglas Smith, Neurosurgery


Diego Quirarte

Assessing Behavioral Deficits in an Animal Model of Traumatic Brain Injury

Han-Chao Chen, Neurosurgery


Maya Rajan

NRXN1 Genotype to ASD Phenotype Relationships

Edward Brodkin, Psychiatry


Dana Raphael

Role of Microglia in Mediating Sex Differences in a Mouse Model of Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury

Amelia Eisch, Anesthesiology and Critical Care 


Rose Rasty

Randomized controlled trial of TUNE In, a novel cognitive behavioral treatment program to help autistic adults with social functioning

Edward Brodkin, Psychiatry


Mariana Restrepo

Patient Stress Responses due to Neuro-ICU Conditions and Interventions

Krzysztof Laudanski, Anesthesiology and Critical Care


Anyara Rodriguez

Genetic Modifiers of TDP-43 Toxicity 

Matt Kayser, Psychiatry


Lana Salloum

Investigating & Targeting Hippocampal Changes Post Traumatic Brain Injury

John Wolf, Neurosurgery


Sophie Siemsgluess

Assessing how neurodevelopment is regulated via the mTOR pathway in a DBT KO mouse primary culture modeling MSUD

Rebecca Ahrens-Nicklas, Pediatrics


Robert Sierra

Do sickness-inducing treatments that produce anorexia also trigger malaise

Harvey Grill, Psychology


Jackey Tang

Identification and Characterization of Sleep Circuits in Drosophila Larvae

Matt Kayser, Psychiatry


Deepti Tandri

Assessing Spatial Memory in Planning Future Navigation

Michael Kahana, Psychology


Rachel Villari

The effects of exercise and hunger-supressant drugs on dopamine 

Nick Betley, Biology


Kelsey Walsh

Investigating the Role of AMPD2 Isoforms in Neurons

Naiara Aquizu-Lopez, Pathology (CHOP)


Jonathan Webster

Neurodegenerative Effects of Sleep Fragmentation and LC Lesioning in Mice

Sigrid Veasey, Medicine


Max Wragan

Density of Microglia in the Hippocampus of the Developing Mouse: Does Sex Matter?

Amelia Eisch, Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine


Steven Wren

TRIM Protein Protection Against Neurodegeneration

Xiaolu Yang, Cancer Biology


Irene Yee

ATPF1B is a novel genetic candidate for Luft Syndrome 

Rebecca Ganetzky, Pediatrics


Lilian Zhang

Novel AAV vector delivery via ICV Injections to mouse models 

Beverly Davidson, Pathology and Laboratory medicine