2023 Honors Thesis Projects

2023 Honors Thesis Projects

Aiden Adams

Peripheral and central iron measures in alcohol use disorder and aging: a quantitative susceptibility mapping pilot study

Corinda Wiers, Psychiatry


Ryan Afreen

The effect of intergroup contact on social perception: linguistic and physiological markers

Loretta Flanagan-Cato, Psychology


Jeffry Alfaro

Comparing subphonemic errors of primary progressive aphasia subtypes

Roy Hamilton, Neurology


Jacinta Arnold

Studying the Anatomy of Inhibitory Neuronal Subtypes in the Auditory Cortex

Maria Geffen, Psychology


Jennifer Ben Nathan

Amylin Signaling in the Mesolimbic Dopamine System Modulates Drug Taking and Seeking in Female Rats

Heath Schmidt, Psychiatry


Anthony Bishara

Role of TRIM11 and Tau Proteins in Animal Models of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)]

Xiaolu Yang, Neuroscience


Mya Bojarsky

Dopaminergic Neuromodulation of Aversive Memory Formation

Theodoros Tsetsenis, Neuroscience


Larissa Borys

Examining ketogenic dietary therapies in epileptic neonates and the critically ill pediatric population

Shavonne Massey, Neurology


Abbie Chan

White Matter Hyperintensities after mild traumatic brain injury: spatial distribution and link to clinical and biofluid outcomes

Ramon Dias-Arrastia, Neurology


Ella Cho

The Cerebellar Satiation Network as a Forward Model for Feeding

Nick Betley, Neuroscience


Allison Chou

Role of Cofilin in Alzheimer’s Progression Mediated by Sleep Loss

Sigrid Veasey, Neuroscience


Meghan Fersten

Sex Differences in Anxiety Behaviors Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Akiva Cohen, Anesthesiology and Critical Care


Jake Freedman

Investigating Orexinergic Signaling in the Paraventricular Thalamus

Seema Bhatnagar, Anesthesiology and Critical Care


Martins Gatavins

Functional Network Segregation and Integration along the Sensorimotor-Association Axis in Adolescence Show Strongest Age Effects in Ventral and Dorsal Attention Networks

Allyson Mackey & Theodore Satterthwaite, Psychology


Nicholas Gnaedinger

Investigating the Effects of Prenatal-Preweaning Morphine Exposure on Taste Perception and Nicotine Reward

Mariella De Biasi, Neuroscience


Nicole Harrington

Assymetry of White Matter Language Microstructure in Human Brain Revealed by DTI

Elizabeth Heller, Neuroscience


Hiba Hamid

White Matter Evaluation Techniques in Frontotemporal Dementia

David Irwin, Neurology


Alexis Kaiser

Epigenetic Profile of Adult IVF Brains

Marisa Bartolomei, Cell and Developmental Biology


Lily Khabie

REM Sleep Deprivation Modulates Neuronal Activity

Franz Weber, Neuroscience


Angela Lao

Screening and Construction of Stable Cell Lines for TRIM-family Proteins

Xiaolu Yang, Neuroscience


Shuze Liu

Investigating Possible Cognitive Deficits in Offspring Exposed to In Utero Morphine

Mariella Debiasi, Psychiatry


Trevor Nelson

Examining Glymphatic Flow After Traumatic Brain Injury Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, Neurology


Henry Nick

Contribution of Orexin to Insomnia Disorder and Amyloid-Beta Accumulation

Sigrid Veasey, Neuroscience


Nehaar Nimmagadda

In Vitro Simulation of COVID-10 Pathology through Human Astrocyte Infection

Zoltan Arany & Jae Woo Jung, Cardiology


Caitlyn Pelletier

Sex-specific ODN and Relaxin-3 Signaling in the Lateral Ventricle

Matthew Hayes, Psychiatry


Sarah Ramadan

Cbi-Ex4 for Treatment of Cancer Anorexia-Cachexia in a Tumor Bearing Model

Tito Borner, Bart DeJonghe


Akhil Rao

Acute Force Transduction of Experimental and Human Heart Failure

Michael Ibrahim, Surgery


Dana Raphael

Immune Cell Response to Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury

Amelia Eisch, Anesthesiology and Critical Care


Mahdi Rashidzada

Effect of Environmental Lighting on Circadian Gating on Lung Injury from Influenza A Virus

Shaon Sengupta, Pharmacology


Delia Russo

Ultrasonic Vocalization Production in C57BL/6J Mice Before and After Hypoxia Ischemia at Postnatal Day 10

Amelia Eisch, Anesthesiology and Critical Care


Heather Schneps

AgRP projections to the lateral hypothalamus modulate nucleus accumbens dopamine activity and feeding behavior

Amber Alhadeff, Neuroscience


Carly Seligman

Slit-Robo signaling in Zebrafish Olfactory Sensory Neuron axon guidance

Jonathan Raper, Neuroscience


Aditi Singh

Biological Sex Differences in the Expression and Treatment of Negative Affect during Opioid Withdrawal

John Dani, Neuroscience


Ingrid Sotelo

Genetic Modifiers of TDP-43 Toxicity

Matt Kayser, Psychiatry


Chetan Vadali

Validating Biomarkers in Low-field MRI Scans of Multiple Sclerosis

Joel Stein, Radiology


Luis Fernando Viegas de Moraes Leme

Differential Associations of Self-critical and Anhedonic Depression Factors with Motivation and Cognitive Performance

Daniel Wolf, Psychiatry


Samantha Weiss

Central Coherence as a Risk and Maintaining Factor for Anorexia Nervosa

Catherine Timko, Psychiatry


Eric Yang

Identifying Signaling Factor(s) that Mediate Interorgan and Intercellular Communication in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Mitchell Lazar, Pharmacology


Maggie (Shujing) Zhou

Characterization of the GABAergic Pathway from the Ventral Tegmental Area to the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus

John Dani, Neuroscience